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Neuroforum 2024 Issue 1
Göttingen Meeting 2025

7th Bonn Brain³ Conference

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7th Bonn Brain³ Conference
States – Behaviour, Neural Circuits and Codes
Mon, 19/08/2024 to Wed, 21/08/2024


Scientific organizer: 
Ilona Grunwald Kadow
Jason Kerr
Jan Gründemann
Sabine Krabbe
Contact address: 
University of Bonn, Institute of Physiology II

BonnBrain³ stands at the forefront of cutting-edge scientific inquiry, uniting experts from diverse fields in a premier international conference focused on unraveling the complexities of states, behavior, neural circuits, and codes. This interdisciplinary scientific gathering prioritizes the presentation of groundbreaking and unpublished research, fostering insightful discussions after each talk and nurturing informal interactions among scientists at all career stages.

BonnBrain³: States – Behavior, Neural Circuits and Codes

Program and Registration: https://bonnbrain.de/

Embark on a three-day intellectual journey held in a lively urban area, facilitating the formation of scientific communities with enduring collaborations and friendships. The conference program showcases a diverse array of speakers and discussion leaders from esteemed institutions worldwide, concentrating on the latest developments in the field. In addition to these premier talks, BonnBrain³ provides dedicated time for poster sessions and a students’ organized symposium offering individuals at all career stages the opportunity for networking and presenting their research.

BonnBrain³ 2024 undertakes an interdisciplinary approach to explore the intricate interplay of brain and body states, neural networks and behavior. Individual sessions feature presentations from international experts in the areas of circuit and behavior evolution, the role of network, brain and body states in different behaviors as well as computational neuroscience. The conference integrates diverse scientific backgrounds, encouraging discussions among participants whose paths might not normally cross.

BonnBrain³ hopes to serve as a convergence point for diverse perspectives, promising to illuminate some of the most challenging and fascinating questions about the brain’s workings.

Keynote speakers 2024

Camilla Bellone, Geneva University Neurocenter
Iain Couzin, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
Tatyana Sharpee, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Michael Brecht, Humboldt University
Moritz Helmstaedter, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research

Early registration deadline: May 19, 2024
Late application deadline and increased fee: July 8, 2024
Visit https://bonnbrain.de/