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Neuroforum 2025 Issue 1
Göttingen Meeting 2025

Research and Early Career Grants: Alzheimer Forschung Initiative e.V.

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Research and Early Career Grants: Alzheimer Forschung Initiative e.V.
Alzheimer und andere Demenzen
Amount of support: 
Bis zu 200.000 € je nach Art des Grants
Application deadline: 

The non-profit Alzheimer Forschung Initiative e.V. (AFI) awards grants to research projects targeting Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer´s disease related dementias. As of today AFI has invested more than € 17.6 million in Alzheimer’s research. So far, the funding of research activities has led to more than 500 scientific publications.

Researchers working at German universities and research institutions may apply for funding of a Research Grant up to a maximum of € 200,000 for three years.

Young post-doctoral researchers of equivalent academic background may be granted with an Early Career Grant up to a maximum of € 60,000 for two years.

In addition to this, the AFI also funds Cross-Border Projects with up to € 200,000 for a maximum of two years together with its international cooperation partners from the Netherlands (Alzheimer Nederland) and France (Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer).
A new addition is that applications for collaborative projects worldwide can also be submitted. For this purpose, scientists from German universities or public institutions submit a cross-border application together with an international cooperation partner.

Applications (Letter of Intent) may be submitted online at www.alzheimer-research.eu from Thursday, 2nd January 2025 until Thursday, 30th January 2025, 1 PM.

Please find further information at https://www.alzheimer-forschung.de/forschung/forschungsfoerderung/resear....

Poster: https://www.alzheimer-forschung.de/fileadmin/user_upload/0_Dokumente/Pos...

We are looking forward to applications from your research group and are happy to answer your questions.

Scientific Affairs
Kreuzstraße 34