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How to publish in Neuroforum

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How to publish in Neuroforum

What topics of articles are published in Neuroforum?

Neuroforum is the forum of neuroscience in Germany. Neuroforum publishes review article from all areas of neuroscience research:

  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Developmental Neurobiology/Neurogenetics
  • Clinical Neurosciences
  • Cognitive Neurosciences
  • Molecular Neurobiology
  • Neuropharmacology/toxicology
  • Systems Neurobiology
  • Behavioral Neurosciences
  • Cellular Neurobiology

In addition to review articles, Neuroforum also publishes articles on key researchers in the history of neuroscience, meeting reports, reports on new techniques, book reviews, presentations of funding programs, institutions and start-up companies, news and views, obituaries, and the newsletter of the German Neuroscience Society.

Who is the target readership?

Neuroforum addresses students and lecturers at universities, college students and teachers, medical doctors and basic scientists, science journalists and leaders in funding agencies and governmental departments, and last but not least, all who are interested in state-of-the-art insights on latest trends and developments in neuroscience research. To address such a diverse audience, use of language in the articles is encouraged to avoid technical terminology. Glossaries and excursions also help to make the articles more transparent.

The publication process for Neuroforum

Neuroforum is a peer review journal which guarantees high scientific quality. Authors submit their contributions via the online submission system ScholarOne, after initial contact with the Editorial Office. Review articles undergo a peer review process that assesses suitability of the contribution for publication. Based on these evaluations, the editor-in-chief decides whether the manuscript will be accepted, rejected, or requires further improvement from the author(s). Original articles are not published in Neuroforum.

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