
Prof. Dr. Jochen Roeper

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Prof. Dr. Jochen Roeper

Kandidat Sektionssprecher "Zelluläre Neurowissenschaften"

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. M.A.
Professor (W3), Director of Center of Physiology, Goethe University Frankfurt
Institute for Neurophysiology
Goethe University Frankfurt
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7    
60596 Frankfurt/Main

Tel.: (+49) 069 6301 84091/92


Curriculum Vitae


Date of birth: 04.05.1964


1986-1992 Medical School, University of Hamburg                                                  

Academic Degrees

2007      W3 Professor for Neurophysiology, Univ Frankfurt
1999 Master of Arts, University of Oxford
1999 Habilitation (Physiology), University of Hamburg
1992 Doctor in Medicine, University of Hamburg (supervisor: Prof. Dr. J.R. Schwarz)

Professional Career and Academic Achievements

Since 2008 Director, Center of Physiology, Goethe University Frankfurt
Since 2007 Director (W3), Full Professor (tenure), Institute of Neurophysiology, Goethe   University Frankfurt
2002-2007 Associate Professor (C3, tenure), Department of Physiology, University of Marburg
1999-2002 Assistant Professor (tenure track), MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit, University of Oxford, UK (Director Prof. P. Somogyi)
1994-1999 Research Scientist, Center for Molecular Neurobiology (ZMNH), University of Hamburg (Director Prof. O. Pongs)
1992-1994 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Physiology, University of Oxford, UK (Supervisor Prof. FM. Ashcroft)
1986-1992 Graduate Student, Institute of Physiology, University of Hamburg (Supervisor Prof. J.R. Schwarz)

Others (editorships, advisory boards, awards)

2020-2022 Board Member, German Physiology Society (DPG)
2022 Steering Committee Curriculum Development, Medical Faculty, Goethe University Frankfurt
2022 DPG-Tagungspräsident, Europhysiology 2022, Kopenhagen
2021 President, 100th Meeting of German Physiological Society, Frankfurt
2020 Visiting Miller Professorship, UC Berkeley, USA
Since 2016 Neuroscience Panel for Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF)
Since 2015 Section Editor European Journal of Neuroscience
2015 Gutenberg research fellowship, Mainz University
2013-2017 Reviewing Editor, The Journal of Physiology
2013 Prize for excellent teaching, Goethe University
since 2010 Vertrauensdozent, National Scholarship Foundation Germany
2004-2010 Council Member of International Basal Ganglia Society
2004 Prize for excellent teaching, Marburg University
2001 Exhibitor, Royal Society UK
1999 Senior Fellowship, Exeter College Oxford
1992 Postdoctoral Fellowship, DFG
1991 Prize Fellowship, Magdalen College Oxford
1991 Fellowship, Parkinson Disease Society
1985 Scholarship, National Scholarship Foundation Germany

Selected Publications

  • Hammer N, Vogel P, Lee S, Roeper J. Eur J Neurosci. 2024 Mar; 59(6):1311-1331. Optogenetic action potentials and intrinsic pacemaker interplay in retrogradely identified midbrain dopamine neurons. doi: 10.1111/ejn.16208. Epub 2023
  • Shin J, Kovacheva L, Thomas D, Stojanovic S, Knowlton CJ, Mankel J, Boehm J, Farassat N, Paladini C, Striessnig J, Canavier CC, Geisslinger G, Roeper J. (2022) Cav1.3 calcium channels are full-range linear amplifiers of firing frequencies in lateral DA SN neurons. Sciences Advances 8:eabm4560.
  • Otomo K, Perkins J, Kulkarni A, Stojanovic A, Roeper J*, Paladini CA* (2020) In vivo patch-clamp recordings reveal distinct subthreshold signatures and threshold dynamics of midbrain dopamine neurons. Nature Communications 11:6286 *shared senior authors
  • Cooper A, Butto T, Hammer N, Jagannath S, Fend-Guella D L, Akhtar J, Radyushkin K, Lesage F, Winter J, Strand S, Roeper J*, Zechner U*, Schweiger S* (2020) Inhibition of histone deacetylation rescues phenotype in a mouse model of Birk-Barel intellectual disability syndrome. Nature Communications 11:480 *shared senior authors
  • Farassat N, Costa K M, Stojanovic S, Albert S, Kovacheva L, Shin J, Egger R, Somayaji M, Duvarci S, Schneider G, Roeper J (2019) In vivo functional diversity of midbrain dopamine neurons within identified axonal projections. eLife 8:e48408
  • Duvarci S, Simpson EH, Schneider G, Kandel ER, Roeper J*, Sigurdsson T* (2018) Impaired recruitment of dopamine neurons during working memory in mice with striatal D2 receptor overexpression. Nature Communications 2018 9:2822 *shared senior authors
  • Subramaniam M, Althof D, Gispert S, Schwenk J, Auburger G, Kulik A, Fakler B, Roeper J (2014) Mutant α-synuclein enhances firing frequencies in dopamine substantia nigra neurons by oxidative impairment of A-type potassium channels. J Neuroscience 34:13586-99.
  • Schiemann J, Schlaudraff F, Klose V, Bingmer M, Seino S, Magill PJ, Zaghloul KA, Schneider G, Liss B, Roeper J (2012) K-ATP channels in dopamine substantia nigra neurons control bursting and novelty-induced exploration. Nature Neuroscience 15:1272-80.
  • Lammel S, Hetzel A, Häckel O, Jones I, Liss B, Roeper J (2008) Unique properties of mesoprefrontal neurons within a dual mesocorticolimbic dopamine system. Neuron 2008, 57:760-73.
  • Liss B, Haeckel O, Wildmann J, Miki T, Seino S and Roeper J (2005) KATP channels promote differential degeneration of dopaminergic midbrain neurons. Nature Neuroscience 8:1742-51.
  • Miki T, Liss B, Minami K, Shiuchi T, Saraya A, Kashima Y, Horiuchi M, Ashcroft F, Minokoshi Y, Roeper J, Seino S (2001) ATP-sensitive K+ channels in the hypothalamus are essential for the maintenance of glucose homeostasis. Nature Neuroscience 4:507-12.
  • Roeper J, Sewing S, Zhang Y, Sommer T, Wanner SG, Pongs O. (1999) NIP domain prevents N-type inactivation in voltage-gated potassium channels. Nature 391:390-3.